Natural Pool Conversions for Existing Pools: A Guide to Creating an Eco-friendly Swimming Experience
Swimming pools are a great addition to any home, whether for exercise, relaxation, or entertainment. However, traditional pool maintenance methods involving chemicals can be costly and environmentally damaging. Fortunately, there is a solution - converting your existing pool into a natural one! This guide will provide practical steps to help you create a natural, eco-friendly swimming experience that will save you money and benefit the planet.
Step 1 - Stop Using Chemicals:
The first step to creating a natural pool is to stop using chemicals. Chlorine and other pool chemicals are harmful to the environment and can cause skin irritation. If you have a saltwater pool, replacing the water is necessary as the salt can damage the plants you will be introducing. Once you have drained the pool, you can start the conversion process.
Step 2 - Install Aquascape:
Aquascape is the introduction of rocks and gravel at the bottom of your pool. This will provide a natural environment necessary for your plant life to colonize and interact with the pool water. The goal is keeping about 25% of your pool area clear for vegetation.
Step 3 - Install Plants and Fish Life:
Once you have installed the aquascape, the next step is to start introducing plants and fish life to your pool. Choose plants that grow well in a water environment like water lilies or lotus plants. Aquatic life such as fish or snails should be included as they are important for maintaining the pool's ecology and help keep algae growth in check.
Step 4 - Let Nature Take Its Course:
Now that you have cleaned up your pool and introduced your plants and aquatic life, it’s time to give them the space to flourish. Avoid using chemicals or other pool maintenance products in your natural pool as this will disturb the natural balance of your ecosystem. Keep an eye out for diseased plants and animals as they can affect the overall health of the pool and remove them when necessary. Remember that natural pools don’t look like the ones you see in movies or shops - embrace the different aesthetic, as you have created a unique and beautiful ecosystem in your home.
Converting your existing pool into a natural one is an excellent choice for those looking for a cost-effective and eco-friendly option. By creating an ecosystem that supports plant and animal life in your pool, you can avoid the use of harmful chemicals and save on maintenance costs. It may take some time to restore natural balance, but once done, your pool will be a stunning and refreshing addition to your home. Remember, let nature take its course, and your pool will thank you!